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Want to learn how to become a direct response copywriter?

Subscribe to my free email list!

You'll get:

  • Expert guidance on how to start the most lucrative writing career in existence
  • Bite-sized advice for writing killer direct response copy
  • ​Real-life insight into what being a copywriter actually looks like (so you can decide whether or not this is for you)
  • ​​All of the writing-related tips, stories, and commiseration you didn't know you needed
  • ​Embarrassing stories I already kinda regret putting in there (sign up before I change my mind)
Copyright 2021 Mel Writes Too Much - All Rights Reserved

An Open Letter To Anyone Who Wants To 

If you’re struggling to decide whether there’s better work out there worth pursuing…

Or you’re in the unfortunate position of having no choice but to hit the career market again…

This is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Most people are overwhelmed with anxiety at the sheer thought of looking for new work.

It can be a daunting process that forces you to face negative feelings like unworthiness, panic, depression, anxiety...

Or it can induce fear of losing everything you’ve worked so hard for.

Maybe you’ll end up with something no better than what you had before.

Or worse…

What if you can’t find anything at all?

Here’s The Good News…

More often than not, with a fresh approach to searching the career market and a deeper understanding of self, it’s possible to eliminate the stress and fear that comes with searching for new work...

AND it’s entirely possible to enter the market with an eye for your dream career… and land it.

Here’s why I know that to be true regardless of who you are, where you come from, or your professional experience:

Let’s set aside the fact that I’ve known many successful individuals who’ve landed careers they LOVE despite coming from nothing and struggling professionally for years.

Through my own professional ups and downs and the countless mistakes I’ve made…

I learned how to identify my priorities, goals, & special skills and harness them to find the best opportunity for ME based on who I was and who I wanted to be.

Once I got a clear idea of what to focus on to yield the results I KNEW I wanted, it became easy to climb up the corporate ladder and reach the level of success I always wanted.

Suddenly, the disheartening stages of career hunting were far behind me as I moved forward with my professional journey.

But getting there wasn’t easy...

Like Most Of Us, I Never Got To Enroll In “The Best Way To Find Your Dream Career 101”

 Here’s the reality…
When it comes to career and business, it’s all about competition and victory.

Everyone is competing for the level of prosperity they want.

If the ideal way to land the perfect career was free, common knowledge, there’d be few opportunities to separate yourself from the crowd and gain a position of true value.

You’ve struggled so much, just like I have, because finding a highly-valued, fulfilling, and lucrative career is DESIGNED to be difficult.

It isn’t ideal, but it’s the truth.

It’s so easy for ANYONE to get lost in all the fear, uncertainty, pressure, frustration, and anxiety that comes with looking for new work.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s no reason to make yourself feel even worse.

The truth is, up to this point, you haven’t had the proper knowledge to confidently & easily search for new work… but if you’re willing to focus inwardly and commit to demanding  what you deserve as a professional, you CAN learn how.

Career Wellness Begins With 
A Shift In Focus

I once got rejected for a career opportunity because I was TOO prepared.

It was then that I realized so many of my “failed” experiences with all kinds of different work opportunities had little to do with my abilities.

The problem was my focus was fixed on the WRONG things for what I wanted to accomplish.

It was important for me to have a career where I could grow in good time, be surrounded by people I like, and make a good living. I wanted to genuinely fit in with the company I worked for…

But I wasn’t taking any of this into consideration when I looked for work.

All I could think about was how to impress the person I was interviewing with. I was a single mother who had bills to pay. I just wanted to get something, ANYTHING - and I wanted to get it quickly.

Once I switched my attention from fitting myself into the mold of a company I wasn’t even passionate about to being honest with myself about my strengths, goals, and desires, everything changed.

This Is About More Than Becoming A “Better” Candidate For Potential Employers

The career hunting method in my book works for anyone regardless of experience or background.

This process doesn’t require you to have friends in high places or to have reached a certain level of success already.

My system works SO well because it’s about facing yourself, accepting you as you are, and landing the ideal career based on your existing strengths and dreams.

It’s time to throw away the idea that you’re unworthy or underqualified to find a fulfilling and prosperous career.

Once you do this, here’s what will happen:

First, you’ll eliminate so much fear of failing or not being good enough.

This is crucial because without a clear and strong mental state, you aren’t capable of making the best possible decisions you can for yourself, whether it be for your career or ANY aspect of your life.

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

Searching For Work Will Be Exciting - Because It’ll Be For Your Dream Career

The career hunting method in my book works for anyone regardless of experience or background.

This process doesn’t require you to have friends in high places or to have reached a certain level of success already.

My system works SO well because it’s about facing yourself, accepting you as you are, and landing the ideal career based on your existing strengths and dreams.

It’s time to throw away the idea that you’re unworthy or underqualified to find a fulfilling and prosperous career.

Once you do this, here’s what will happen:

First, you’ll eliminate so much fear of failing or not being good enough.

This is crucial because without a clear and strong mental state, you aren’t capable of making the best possible decisions you can for yourself, whether it be for your career or ANY aspect of your life.

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

Here's What Others Are Saying:

“I was first attracted by her engaging style and what proved to be a sincere willingness to help.
I had lost my job due to the pandemic, was at a crossroads personally and professionally and I was trying to identify in which direction I should go. There were other dimensions of my life which were out of sync, which I feared were impeding my career search.

“Working with Edyta, with the help of the guided course and assignments, I was able to identify
the source of some of these disconnects and develop action plans to work on them. This in turn empowered and excited me to take positive action. The coursework also encouraged me to give serious thought to setting life goals aside from my career and provided templates with which to track those goals.

“I can already see results in my approach to the job search, in my relationships and emotional wellbeing, and in my physical wellbeing as I no longer wake up in the morning with my heart and brain racing. I would absolutely recommend Edyta Satchell to all who are looking to effect positive change in their lives.”

-Elise Antonelli

“Working with Edyta has changed my life. She is very hands-on, always understanding the core of the issues, focuses on active rather than passive approach, provides immediate feedback,
understands her client’s needs and wants, and is just a wonderful person. I am so happy to have met and hired her! All aspects of my life have changed – I am much more confident, my career is on the right track, I’m actively engaged in my life – I’m a badass!”

-Marty Silber

Exactly What You’re Getting

First of all, this is different from any other "career searching help book” you’ve ever read. This book is all about YOU.

It's about helping you connect more deeply with your dreams, strengths, and the people in your life who can be positive catalysts for your journey.

This is how you can stop settling and understand what you really need out of a career to be happy…

And you’ll know exactly how to get it.

Plus, this is a simple read.

At 54 pages, you can read it in an afternoon.

And you’ll immediately be ready to find new work with confidence and GET the career of your dreams.

Here's What You'll Learn

  • 3 fundamental steps thousands of people have used to get their dream career (and how you can implement them into your own career hunt) (page 17)
  • How to identify your limiting beliefs (and break through them so you never have to settle for less again) (page 26)
  • Learn the 10 dimensions of career circle (and how to use to evaluate your current career) (page 6)
  • Learn who you SHOULD be talking to for career opportunities(and avoid wasting time on people who won’t benefit your career) (page 12)
  • ​​How to identify the 2-millimeter distinction of what makes you better than others (so you can search for new work confidently in what you want & have to offer) (page 17)
  • ​​The 20 steps required to career hunt “the old way” (and how to simplify this process) (page 10)
  • ​3 strategies & exercises to rise above your competition immediately (so you can have your top choice of career) (page 18)
  • The impact social media can have on your career hunt (and how to benefit from it as much as possible) (page 13)
  • How to identify the champions in your life (and get their guidance to a better career path) (page 20)
  • ​Create an action plan (so you can efficiently track your progress & ensure you’ll land your dream career) (page 30)
  • The importance of asking for help AND offering it (and how it can propel you toward the right career) (page 21)
  • Identify where your focus typically lands when looking for work (and how to direct it in a way that’ll make your search less stressful) (page 7)
  • ​​How to identify your two states of being (and get them both to work in your favor) (page 25)
  • ​...and so much more.